Academic Vocabulary List 4

Alphabetical list of words and meanings

Word Definition, meaning
alternative choice, selection, option
consumer person who buys things
discrimination treating people unfairly because of differences in race, gender, etc.
earn get money through working
encourage give help, support or confidence
ignore don't pay attention
illusion false idea, dream
immigrant person who comes into a country to live
irrelevant not related or applicable
lonely without needed companionship
observe perceive thorough the senses, see
own possess
participation taking part, getting involved in a group activity
poverty condition of being poor
practical useful and realistic
rise go up, get higher
skill ability, talent
vocational pertaining to a specific job
volunteer person who gives service without pay
widow woman whose husband has died

Note: These are general meanings for the words. You may encounter other definitions depending on context.
Check a dictionary for other meanings.
