Embedded questions

Embedded questions are questions within another statement or question. They function as noun clauses and as such should generally follow statement, not question, order.

    What time is it?
    I know what time is it.
    I know what time it is.

    Where did she go?
    I don’t know where did she go.
    I don’t know where she went.

    What does he do for a living?
    I wonder what does he do.
    I wonder what he does.

    Who is she?
    Can you tell me who is she?
    Can you tell me who she is?

    (question order)
    (Statement order: S+ V)




When using adjectives as complements, it is okay to use question order for embedded questions:

    Who’s hungry?
    I wonder who is hungry.


In some cases, depending on the focus of the sentence, question order may be used:

    Who is the doctor?
    I know who the doctor is.

    Who is a doctor?
    I know who is a doctor (and who is not).