Measure Words

This can be used to practice Count and Non-count nouns in context.
When talking about non-count items (such as sugar, water, toothpaste, etc.), it is common to use measure words to indicate how much of the substance you are referring to.
Below are a few examples of measure words used in English.
Food A bowl of rice
A dish of spaghetti
A pound of meat/
A piece of cake/pie
A can of soup
A box of cereal
A bag of flour
A carton of ice cream
A jar of peanut butter
A loaf of bread
A slice of bread/pizza
A package of pasta
A dash of salt
A cube of ice
A pack of gum
A head of lettuce/
An ear of corn
A kernel of corn
A grain of wheat/salt
A stalk of celery
A spear of asparagus
A clove of garlic | Liquid A teaspoon of medicine
A tablespoon of vinegar
A glass of water
A cup of coffee
A pint of blood
A quart of milk
A half gallon of juice
A gallon of punch
A tank of gas
A jug of lemonade
A bottle of wine
A keg of beer
A shot of vodka
A drop of rain
| Personal items A bar of soap
A tube of toothpaste
A container of shampoo
A stick of deodorant
A bottle of perfume/cologne
A roll of toilet paper
A ball of cotton
Sewing items A spool of thread
A skein of yarn
A yard/meter of ribbon
A (square) foot/meter of fabric/cloth
Stationery A piece of paper
A pad of paper
A roll of tape
A stick/piece of chalk
A bottle/tube of glue
A jar of paste
A pair of scissors |
1. Measure words can also be counted:
one slice of toast, two slices of toast, etc.
2. Some items can be either count or non-count, depending on composition or arrangement.
For example,
A bar of chocolate (non-count [perceived as one solid item])
A box of chocolates (count [perceived as several individual items])