

In speaking, contractions are often used in place of auxiliary verbs such as is, are, am, will, have, has, had, and would.

See the following examples:


I am British.
He is Chinese.
They are Italians.

There is a man at the door.
Where is the butter?
What is he doing?
Who is that?

She is going to the beach.
We are going to eat now.
They are not ready yet.

I will be back in a minute.
There will be lots of food.

I have seen that movie already.
She has finished her homework.

I had played that game before.
We would be glad to help.
They would like to go now.


I'm British.
He's Chinese.
They're Italians.

There's a man at the door.
Where's the butter?
What's he doing?
Who's that?

She's going to the beach.
We're going to eat now.
They're not ready yet.

I'll be back in a minute.
There'll be lots of food.

I've seen that movie already.
She's finished her homework.

I'd played that game before.
We'd be glad to help.
They'd like to go now.