American Numbers and Prices

Remember that in English, we divide prices at the decimal point.

    For example:


    four dollars (and) fifty-nine cents

    four / fifty nine

    (long way)

    (short way)

    (Time is also divided in a similar way: 12:47 is said "twelve / forty-seven")

Americans often say large numbers in "phrases" of two digits.

    For example:



    two hundred sixty-seven
    two / sixty seven
    four thousand three hundred eighty-one
    forty-three / eighty-one

    (long way)
    (short way)


Some people also use two-digit phrasing with telephone numbers:


    five-six-five // eighty-three / forty-seven


Practice the following prices (both long and short ways) with a partner:

That will be____(price)______
That comes to ____(price)____







*Also: a dollar seventy-nine
**Also: twenty-nine (dollars) even
